雪梨跨年煙火秀-New Years Eve Party 2005 on Sydney Harbour
10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Come and enjoy world renowned Sydney Harbour in all its glory this New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve Celebrations in Sydney are one of the largest free public events in the world held annually each year. With over 1.2 million people watching Sydney's New Years Eve Celebrations live around Sydney Harbour, 2 million across Australia on television and around 600 million via satellite around the world it is one of the most recognised New Year's Eve Parties on the planet. 6 kilometres of Sydney's spectacular Harbour including the iconic Harbour Bridge are graced with around 80,000 fireworks annually ensuring an amazing New Years Eve fireworks extravaganza for anyone in the ten kilometre radius viewing area. Discover more about Sydney New Years Eve at the official site Sydney New Year's Eve – an internationally renowned event - has become a tradition for all of us - a night to celebrate with loved ones, families and friends in the spirit of goodwill and hope. This year Heart of the Harbour will continue this tradition. From the National Television Broadcast of the Lord Mayor's Party at the Sydney Opera House, to the Harbour of Light Parade sailing from Rose Bay to Birchgrove - our 6km harbour stage and land auditorium ensure a magical night for all who join us. Over 1 million people are expected, with a television audience well in excess of that. For this New Year's Eve we have chosen the Heart as the basis of our Bridge Effect and emblem for our celebrations. The Heart may mean different things to different people. Some will see it a symbol of hope in anxious times. For others it will represent the magnificent generosity displayed by the people of Sydney during last year's Tsunami Relief effort. Still others will view it as a reminder that the Harbour is the geographical heart of Sydney. For many it will just be a magnificent device from which to instigate the most spectacular pyrotechnical display Sydney has ever seen. This New Year's Eve will have a structure, hopefully containing something for everyone. From 1pm we kick off with 'Every Hour on the Hour'– a series of events on and above Sydney Harbour, on the hour 'til 7pm. At 8pm join us for 'Heart of the Harbour' when a traditional indigenous 'Welcome Ceremony' signals the commencement of our evening celebrations. At 9pm The Family Fireworks display will again set the tone for our celebrations, followed by the Harbour of Light Parade - 50 invited vessels decorated with ropelight who will sail from Rose Bay to Birchgrove until 11.30pm. At Midnight the Fireworks display will celebrate Sydney at its best – with a specially created soundtrack, our one-night-only Bridge Effect and a feast of visual magic broadcast to the world. Our events for invited guests – The Lord Mayor's Party, The Lord Mayor's Picnic and VIP Viewing at Dawes Point will say thank you to all our partners and supporters who bring you the 2005 Sydney New Year's Eve. So if you're celebrating on the Harbour Foreshore, on a balcony in the city or surrounds, or relaxing at home with the National Television Broadcast on the Nine Network or Radio Simulcast on 2UE we trust you will enjoy Sydney New Year's Eve. Katrina Marton, Producer & Wayne Harrison, Creative Director . 澳洲雪梨表示,除夕夜雪梨港將以上演全球最佳的煙火秀來迎接新年到來。預期將有上百萬人齊聚雪梨港外,觀賞壯麗的高空煙火美景。同時以五彩燈光綴飾的一支船隊,亦將在雪梨港內巡弋。此外,從雪梨港大橋前灘,到著名的雪梨歌劇院,更將以不下一百二十支探照燈照亮夜空。 欣賞一年一度的雪梨港灣大橋跨年煙花秀。炫麗多彩的煙花美景保證讓您永生難忘!!數千艘各式船隻於五彩燈光下在雪梨港內來回穿梭的盛況,雪梨大橋到歌劇院間裝設的120多盞巨大照明燈將打亮雪梨港橋及雪梨歌劇院間的港區,結合煙火與照明的創舉,帶給觀眾空前的視覺饗宴。雪梨港在輝煌絢爛的煙火籠罩下,顯得更加動人浪漫,雪梨大橋迎接新年施放的燦爛煙火,更可說是全球跨年活動中最經典的畫面之一。雪梨的港灣、雪梨大橋、美麗的歌劇院,在煙火兩相烘托下,更加令人驚豔,而領先全球迎接新年的澳洲民眾,興奮之情更是寫在臉上。
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