星期六, 12月 31, 2005

Pricey coffee good to the last dropping - 麝香咖啡

Pricey coffee good to the last dropping - Yahoo! News The World's Most Expensive Coffee is From Beans Cycled Through an Indonesian Monkey's Digestive System Summary of eRumor:Kopi Luwak is a rare and gourmet coffee from Indonesia that is made from beans passed through the digestive system of monkeys. The Truth:Kopi Luwak does exist, is very expensive, and is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive system of an Indonesian animal, but it's more like a cat than a monkey. According to a feature article by the Manila Coffee House, which sells the stuff, the people who harvest the digested beans don't really have to pick through cat litter to get it. The animal processes the beans and excretes them whole, unscratched, and without dung.The animal is a palm civet, a dark brown tree-dwelling cat-like creature found throughout Southeast Asia. The scientific name is paradoxurus hermaphroditus.According to the Manila Coffee House, the palm civet just happens to like to ingest the ripest and reddest coffee beans, which also happen to be the ones best for brewing. The cat eats the outer covering of the beans in the same way that is accomplished by de-pulping machines. Something happens to the beans in the journey through the cat's intestines that gives it a flavor that is celebrated by coffee drinkers. At this point, most of the beans are purchased by Japanese buyers. 麝香咖啡 (右手為 麝香咖啡豆,左手是一般咖啡豆.) 遠溯自17 世紀 18世紀 , 法國人統治越南的時期就有人發現出沒在咖啡林中的麝香貓特別喜歡摘食咖啡豆 , 而且似乎天生就懂得挑食長的特別好的咖啡豆 . 接著又有人發現麝香貓只吃掉果皮果肉 , 有時候吃完果肉會吐出來果核 , 有時候就隨著便便排出 . 眼尖的山裏人就檢拾這樣的咖啡豆烘焙 , 發現這些咖啡豆具有相當獨特的風味 , 飲用的口感更為醇厚 . 因為麝香咖啡的產量很少 , 在當時只供給法國皇室的王公大臣飲用 , 遙想當年凡爾賽宮後苑一群金髮碧眼的才子佳人 , 男的戴著高帽 , 配著長劍 , 女的穿著大大的蓬裙 輕輕啐飲 “ 麝香咖啡 “ 多麼的愜意 . 據說從麝香貓糞便中取出的未消化咖啡豆,因為內胃內酵素「天然加工」的關係,製成的咖啡沖泡起來香味獨特,濃稠中帶有酸味,而且入口不苦。它的香,讓咖啡鑑賞家心甘情願花大錢買來品味一番,但提起這種高檔咖啡豆的來歷,恐怕會令不少人倒味口。  



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