星期二, 9月 20, 2005

Gemany Romatic Street 德國羅曼蒂克大道

說起令人驚艷的羅曼蒂克大道(Romantische Strase),遠自中古時代,這條沿著陶伯河谷(Taubertal)蜿蜒而下、自北而南直達阿爾卑斯山北麓諸城的路線,就是一條通往羅馬帝國的重要貿易大道。昔日日耳曼民族的封建諸侯各自林立、諸邦領主各自統治的紛擾年代,各領主因掌控通商要道的貨物運輸與稅收,掌握經濟上的優勢條件,投注大量的財力與心力在宮殿建築與教堂修建上,創造了中古世紀光輝燦爛的偉大文明。就因為政治上的紛亂,被神聖羅馬帝國授與自治權的自由城不斷擴大後,城市中懸殊的貧富差距,新、舊教派的信仰抗爭等,在累積諸多問題後終於爆發三十年戰爭,就連丹麥和瑞典都以援助新教徒為藉口,入侵德國。此一歷史過程,就在羅曼蒂克大道上的諸城輪番上陣,增添古城在政治、歷史、文化、經濟、宗教等各層面上,無限的歷史典故與傳奇色彩。 What is the Romantic Road? If a straight line is the shortest connection between two points, the Romantic Road is undoubtedly the most attractive connection between more than two dozen South German towns, all of which hold staring places in travel guides on the region. The best known of them are Rothenburg ob der Tauber, the wine, cathedral and Baroque city of Würzburg, Füssen, Augsburg, the city of the Fugger family and silver, and the small but delightful town of Dinkelsbühl. Visitors who have already travelled the length of the Romantic Road will be able to add to these names. Landsberg, perhaps, or Nördlingen. Bad Mergentheim with its Castle of the Teutonic Order and Feuchtwangen. It is the towns that exercise the real power of attraction along the Romantic Road. Romantic thoughts are unlikely on most parts of the road itself especially south of Augsburg where it becomes a fast trunk road unsuitable for any romantic mail-coach excursions.

*一個值得推薦的優質旅遊心得網誌:Ivy's sky

星期四, 9月 15, 2005


How to plan a journey of Romantic Street? Anyone travelling from Würzburg to Füssen wanting relaxation coupled with interest, architecture and culture will find holiday-filling variety along the Romantic Road instead of a monotonous carriageway. However, you certainly do not have to use your own car because the ‘Romantic Road’ Europabus line links all towns and cities of the tourist route daily in both directions from April to October. In other words, it is the means of transport along the Romantic Road. Visitors to the Romantic Road who come by air can join the Europabus easily from Frankfurt, Munich and Augsburg airports and begin their pre-booked individual or package holidays from there. Clubs and small groups can choose from of a variety of attractive arrangements, all of which are guaranteed to take place. Or you can opt to come by train: all larger towns have their own railway station and are linked to the regional public transport network. Furthermore, German Rails high-speed ICE trains stop at Augsburg and Würzburg. For information and booking, please contact any German Rail (DB) ticket office, your local travel agent with DB licence or the carriers direct: Deutsche Touring Deutsche Bahn Omnibusverkehr FrankenRegionalverkehr OberbayernRegionalbus But, don't forget to rent a car drive way up and down romantic street. You will enjoy the wonderful road system in the Germany. And you maybe exciting of a driving speedless. 德國羅曼蒂克大道官方網站:http://www.romantischestrasse.de/ Timeschedule of Europabus: http://www.romantic-road-coach.de/

星期三, 9月 14, 2005

瑞士冰河列車 -Glacier Express

瑞士有名的觀光火車「冰河列車」(Glacier Express)是世界上開得最慢的快車,它連接歐洲最有名的兩大阿爾卑斯山度假勝地策馬特(Zermatt),以及聖摩里茲(St. Moritz)。在總長300公里的旅程中,將經過91個隧道和291座橋樑,體驗瑞士大自然風景,以及著名的冰河景觀。(圖/瑞士政府旅遊局提供) 瑞士的冰河列車是相當受到歡迎的旅遊方式,旅客在坐上火車之後,將穿越著名的阿爾卑斯山脈,看到終年白雪皚皚的山脈,以及台灣看不到的冰河,還有瀑布、河流與山中小鎮。 想搭乘冰河列車可以從聖摩里茲或策馬特開始。一般來說會建議玩家從聖莫里茲(St.Moritz) 冰河列車由聖莫里茲啟程,該地海拔約為1775公尺,當地居民認為這裡代表著他們心中「世界的頂端」,此地曾是冬季奧運的舉辦場所,也是滑雪的最佳去處,更是瑞士著名的健康溫泉中心,具有多項休閒功能,所以在假期中常有遊客會到此度假,聖莫里茲儼然成為度假休憩勝地。作為旅遊起點. 冰河列車(Glacier Express)是由三家私人鐵路公司共同組成的,包括:Rhaetian Railway(RhB)、Furka Oberalp Railway (FO)、Brig-Visp-Zermatt Railway(BVZ)所經營。總長為三百公里,行車時間約為七個半小時,共穿越了九十一個隧道與二百九十一座橋樑。冰河列車穿越阿爾卑斯山,途中經過無數瀑布、溪流、高原等地,景色變化多端。冰河列車裡,每節車廂都有著超大型觀景窗,同時還設了天窗,讓乘客的視野看得更遼闊,若是天氣不錯,還可開啟窗戶,讓為風吹拂臉龐,真正體驗大自然的風光明媚。每輛冰河列車有加掛兩節餐車,由可以設備齊全的餐車內,一邊品味香濃的咖啡,一邊欣賞沿途的景色,享受這個愉快的「冰河列車」之旅。 冰河列車的終點站策馬特(Zermatt),位於阿爾卑斯山麓,夏天為避暑或登山勝地,冬天則是滑雪的好去處。策馬特小鎮,一條街就貫穿了整個鎮上,遊客不用花上一天就能瞭解當地的人文特色、景致等。且為保護這個小鎮的清靜,策馬特市內禁止通行任何機汽車,以防止空氣的污染,所以在這裡只能看見一些電動公務車、公車、馬車或腳踏車。策馬特最著名的就是馬特洪峰(Matterhorn),馬特洪峰約海拔4478公尺,一柱擎天直達天際的模樣最讓人印象深刻。猶如一座白色金字塔佇立在其中,山頂終年白雪皚皚,許多登山者皆立下登上此座高山的宏願。另外,在山旁還有一座小馬特洪峰,當地設有全歐洲最高的纜車站,坐上纜車將可一望無際,整個綺麗風景盡入眼簾。 書名:德瑞奧.阿爾卑斯之旅

星期二, 9月 06, 2005


數千萬年來,人類的歷史文化變遷不知凡幾,一座高聳入雲的玉山卻一樣無言,靜靜的俯瞰,護衛著它的子民.如今我們有幸能活在玉山的懷抱中,自然應該好好的保護上蒼賜給我們的瑰寶,為後代子孫留下一片清靜樂土. ---玉山國家公園管理處處長 . 林青 登山路線精華-- 第一條路線 / 自塔塔加鞍部 玉山前山-玉山西峰-排雲山莊-主峰 第二條路線 / 自東埔經觀高登上 東埔-玉山西峰-父子斷崖-樂樂溫泉-七絲瀑布-八通關-玉山 玉山國家公園 Link:http://www.ysnp.gov.tw

星期一, 9月 05, 2005

澎湖吉貝的天空The Sky of Gipei
